pardon me, i m a man of little are some quick updates on the recent shows i m pop me an email if u guys are keen to purchase some of these...
ANTZ's meteoric rise from obscurity to becoming one of the upcoming urban artists to look out for stems from his unique illustrative style. A style which makes heavy references to chinese culture; from mythology to dialect and identity, ANTZ has managed to create an interesting juxtapozed mash of contemporary urban styles with traditional chinese visuals and influences. ANTZ is constantly on the lookout for new approaches in making and creating his art, be it in medium or concept. Apart from being a full time art director professionally, ANTZ is also the co- founder of the design collective The Geeksigners. Along with fellow artist, CLOGTWO, SKLO, SHEEP and ZERO, ANTZ is part of RSCLS, a collaborative approach of styles, ideas and creative banter.
As an artist, ANTZ has been involved in renowned projects and international events such as ADIDAS, NIKE, IdN, Converse, Taggerbags, Tiger Translate, Ministry of Sound (Singapore), MTV asia and many more. ANTZ is all geared up to intensify the industry with his up and coming contemporary designs.