dear all...i thank u for all the well wishes....i m fine enuff to type tiz....juz feeling pretty bored resting at home.
for those who dun noe wats gone wrg wif me - i got knocked dwn by a car along AMK CTE on the 29th oct...thrown outta the bike and send my friend and i rolling on the hot road. after a hour, i m admitted into TTSH wif massive skin abrasions on my whole right arm, hand, whole of my right leg, whole of my left arm and my 2 shoulders.
therefore i m stuck at home for a mth or so til my wounds heals - and drown myself wif tons of vcds/dvds because for a mth plus, i can't draw or produce any artworks.
i give credits to the ppl whom shower their concern to me over tiz week.
mum and dad...for not nagging and understanding itz not our fault. dear gf whom nurse and clean my wounds after work and bring me food.
GKS and amy (USA) ...thx bros for ur calls and emails ( i cant work for now)
kwa kok kian...who saves me by letting me land on u during the accident (get well soon)
mr adam,angel and warrant officer eric for rushing dwn to the hospital and accompany me.
MACC and friends for chatting wif me and helping to take over my jobs.
online ppl and ARC wif the well wishes...
all medical crew whom serviced me. TTSH and yis polyclinic...thx for tearing the bandages from my wounds every session..i never fail to cry and scream like a pussy everytime...
at meantime..enjoy life for me and be me...i changed to be a better man~
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